My 6 Favorite Foods in Rome
There are so many fantastic things to eat in Italy and so many things that you should try while you are there. Here are a few of my favorite foods in Rome.
Awesome Appetizers
Bruschetta is diced tomatoes, sliced basil, and oil on top of bread
This is a relatively simple dish, but the freshness of all of the ingredients is key to the flavor and quality of it. This was so good, I couldn't even find words to describe it. I love making this at home, but it's worth eating at every meal in Rome.
Prosciutto e Mozzarella
This is one of the crown jewels for me, I love this one so much and I fight to find it as good here, but never can. It's another simple dish, but again the freshness is key. I have never had prosciutto in the US as good as in Italy. It is a cured meat sliced thin and served with fresh mozzarella cheese. Fantastic snack no matter where you are in Rome.
Italian Pizza
Italian Pizza, (top) pineapple and ham (bottom) ham, arugula, and cheese
This may sound strange, but pizza in Italy is not at all like pizza in the United States and you should know this going into it. The pizza is fantastic, mostly thin crusted and covered in all manner of vegetables. Don't go into it thinking that it will taste like American pizza. Meals in most European countries don't have as much meat on them as American dishes.
Sounds plain, I know. There are carts on nearly every corner with fresh made sandwiches and wraps that will blow your mind. I don't know if it's the fresh bread, the awesome ingredients or the ambiance that seduces you into loving these sandwiches, but I make it a point to get a few every time I visit. It's also a money-saving option.
House Wine & Local Beer
Every restaurant that I've eaten at in Rome has a house wine. It's one of my favorite parts about eating in Italy. Every wine is slightly different and many of those restaurants have a family vineyard where they product their own wine. I strongly recommend you always try the house wine. Local beers are a fun thing to try wherever you go, too. Not only do you get to expand your horizons, but you can catch a buzz doing it!
There is only one dessert in Rome. Gelato. I know, I know, "but what about Tiramisu?" you may ask at me through your computer screen. I've had Tiramisu in Italy also, but I'm here to tell you the gelato is a must. You simply cannot get anything like it in the States. There are many foods that masquerade as "gelato", but they are false idols. Of that, I assure you. I think I've visited half the gelaterias in Rome.
I hope that you enjoy adding some more magic to your taste buds with these few favotires of mine in the beautiful city of Rome. They say everything is bigger in Texas, but whoever said that has never been to Rome. Enjoy your wandering and get lost in the food and history. Don't forget to Gallivant Gallantly and Go See the World!
Thanks, y'all!