Ireland 2016: T-minus 5 days

Ireland 2016: T-minus 5 days

The countdown continues and tonight is a hectic night to say the least.  Tonight, I'm washing the clothes that I'm traveling with, rounding up all of the things that I need for the trip (except for the daily stuff like my toothbrush) and I double-checking that I have all of the right documentation for the trip.

I have my flight paperwork and I'm working on printing out my hotel confirmations from Air B&B.  I'm also making a copy of my passport to stuff away just in case something happens.  Remember right now that you don't need that many clothes regardless of how long your trip is and you can always wash clothes on your vacation.  Packing will be in a couple of days, so don't sweat the small stuff yet.

I'm really excited and I hope that the next few days take their time coming along because the anticipation is a huge part of the fun of any vacation.  However, work will be hellacious in the next few days.  I will have to spend the next three days at work rushing to get everything I need to get done completed before I leave.

I hope that the advice helps and that you are enjoying the build-up before your next big trip.

Thanks, y'all!

Check out the video that goes with this blog post on my channel.

Ireland 2016: T-minus 3 days

Ireland 2016: T-minus 3 days

Ireland 2016: T-minus 1 week

Ireland 2016: T-minus 1 week