Italy 2018: Day 9
Part of booking a hotel in Geneva is the transit card that you get. Don’t buy train transit tickets in Geneva when you stay there, you will get little passes to take whatever trains or buses that you want when you check in. This includes transit to the airport. Now, transit from the airport is on you, but it’s only a couple of francs, so don’t sweat it. We used our transit cards to get back to the Geneva Airport. We got through security with no problems and boarded our plane to Zurich. That’s where the fun was. I had recently traveled to China. This meant that i had to go through additional inspections at the airport. I was the last one through the extra security check and I genuinely believed for a minute that I would be stuck in Zurich overnight thanks to them keeping me from boarding my plane. I wasn’t delayed and I think I was the last person to board. I took my seat and we were off, back bound for Chicago. It was a long, but pleasant flight. We arrived in Chicago and made our way back to downtown to catch our train home.
Swiss Air flight from Zurich to Chicago, May 2018
The whole train ride home, we were delirious. We had been up for about thirty hours by the time we got home and the entire time on the train, we were searching for properties for sale in Domodossola. It is amazing how traveling pulls you into the ideas of the life that you can have in other places. My boyfriend and I were looking at houses, villas, and apartments all over Italy, trying to plan our retirement years in a country we both love so much. Some of the property is pretty affordable; some, not so much. It is fun to play with the idea nonetheless. He absolutely loved Italy and he already can’t wait to go back.
Good bye Alps, We love you, Switzerland, 2018
This trip overall, was a success. He enjoyed his first adventure into Europe and seems to be on board for going back whenever we can. We are already planning our next trip in 2019, provided we can both get away from work long enough to go again. Either way, I hope that you enjoyed following our adventure and that you step out into Italy yourself at some point. Stay tuned for the next big adventure and check back often for new travel tips and advice. If you want, join the mailing list and you will hear from me sparingly, when I post new stuff.
Thanks, y’all!