Be a T-R-A-V-E-L-E-R
When someone asks you what kind of traveler you are, you should consider the question fully. Are you eager to see new places? Do you like to try new food? Do you prefer domestic to international travel? Are you interested and willing to learn new languages when you travel? Do you like guided tours and a set schedule? What is your favorite part of a trip?
All of these questions bring forward in us our tendencies when we travel. Our habits define us. While my style of travel isn’t for everyone, I hope that my philosophy of travel can be used by anyone.
There are so many different traits of travelers all over the world, but these are the traits that I find the most valuable. Here’s a little more detail.
Thankful - Appreciate the experiences of others
Respectful - Be kind to strangers and customs alike
Authentic - Be true to who you are
Veracious - Be truthful in what you say
Encouraging - Encourage others to embrace new experiences
Logical - Ensure information is accurate and useful
Educated - Know the places you are discussing
Roam - Go places you’ve never been before
These are traits that I have tried to focus on over the years to be a better traveler around the world. I hope that you can use some of these in your travels to try and incorporate more of an open mind in your travels.
Thanks, y’all!